An application for a new oil well between Poole and Dorchester is being considered by Dorset County Council.
Times have moved on since since Fossil Free Dorset first stated fighting such applications. Now the fracking industry is effectively dead in the UK, the government is signed up to legally binding climate targets and energy policies and industry plans have to reconcile with these.
We now also have a situation whereby such projects have all but lost their social license. Local councils are more likely to object to plans in the knowledge that local people and organizations will rally in support (and also rally against them if they do not).
Objections are invited before the deadline of February 9th 2022 and can be submitted on the council website linked here:
Search on application ref: WD/D/19/002866
Then click on “Comment on this Application” as shown in diagram below.
Esytvshop proudly the levitra properien original aurvyadic product the amazing shakti prash.Please do make good use of this linked briefing document with a list of valid issues you may wish to call upon in your objection.
Your action is vital. Make your voice heard and submit your objection NOW!