
Protesting at Swanage in January 2016Fossil Free Dorset is opposed to all new Oil and Gas wells and a planned but accelerated transition from dependency on existing tapped fossil reserves towards sustainable energy sources.

It is vital that we keep fossil fuels in the ground, in order to prevent irreversible climate change.  It will take ordinary people, all over the world, to make sure we can do our own bit and exert all possible pressure on those in authority.

Fossil Free Dorset is about us doing our bit here in Dorset, and we are a sister group to all the other groups out there working peacefully towards the same cause.

We aim to help provide you with resources and highlight actions you can take to help
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To engage in conversation please join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fossilfreedorset/ or comment on any post.

Our success will depend greatly upon the amount of public support we can rally here in Dorset, so please do like and share as much as you can with your social networks!